宴の夜 Night of the Feast
(王都フェルディア・市街 夜)
ディミトリ: ……もう春とはいえ、フェルディアの夜はやはり冷えるな。
Dimitri: It may be spring, but the nights are quite chilly here in Fhirdiad...
Still, our celebratory feast shows no sign of stopping. Have you grown weary of the festivities?
Choice 1: 飽きた I have.
ディミトリ: はは……確か、いつかの舞踏会の時も、お前はそんな調子だったな。
Dimitri: If memory serves, you were much the same at the ball, all those years ago.
Choice 2: そちらこそ I was going to ask you the same.
ディミトリ: いや、俺は、飽きたというか……。……皆の輪の中にいるのも、やりにくくて。
Dimitri: It's not that I have grown weary... more that I find it difficult to be around everyone at the moment.
ディミトリ: ……墓参りに、行っていたんだ。長いこと、花も供えていなかったから。
Dimitri: I have just returned from visiting the graves of my loved ones. It had been a long while since I left flowers.
I was always terribly afraid of going near there...
But I could not stay away forever.
You have taught me something important, professor.
Choice 1: 学問? Studiousness?
Choice 2: 剣? Swordsmanship?
ディミトリ: いや、もちろんそれもそうだが……そんなものより、もっと大事なものだ。
Dimitri: That too, of course. But what I am referring to is far more valuable.
Choice 3: 冗談? Humor?
ディミトリ: 冗談って……本当に、お前はな……。そんなことより、もっと大事なものだ。
Dimitri: You never let up, do you? No, what I am referring to is far more valuable.
ディミトリ: ……何て言ったらいいんだろうな。生き方、とでも言えばいいのだろうか。
Dimitri: How should I put this... Perhaps it is most accurate to say that...you taught me how to live.
If you and I had not reunited on that fateful day, I am certain I would have died a fruitless death on the battlefield.
I would have foolishly challenged a horde of foes and, in doing so, needlessly sacrificed the lives of my friends and myself.
ディミトリ: だが、今は……こうして、帰るべき場所に帰ってこられた。
Dimitri: But now, I have returned to my rightful place.
I struggle with what to say, when I know well that words are not enough to express my gratitude.
You save me from the darkness...and guided me back to the light.
Thank you, Professor. With all that I am, I thank you.
Choice 1: 幸せ? Are you happy?
ディミトリ: ……わからない。そもそも俺に、幸福を享受する権利などないのだ、とも思う。
Dimitri: That...is a hard question to answer. I still do not believe I deserve happiness.
These hands of mine have taken so many lives... Nobles and commoners. Adults and children.
Perhaps a day will come when I have finally atoned for my sins...but such a day is not possible until after the war is over.
Choice 2: まだ復讐がしたい? Do you still wish for revenge?
ディミトリ: 復讐は、俺のしたいことというよりも、果たすべき、当然の義務だった。
Dimitri: Revenge was never something I wished for... It was an obligation I felt I had inherited from those who died.
I believed my life belonged to those who lost their own in Duscur.
But what I now seek is something else entirely... I can say that with confidence.
ディミトリ: ……さて。勝利に浸るのも、今晩だけだ。
Dimitri: But I digress... For tonight, our only focus should be to bask in our victory.
After that we must prepare for our battle with the Empire.
ディミトリ: 公国軍に奪われていた王家の騎士団を、現在の兵員に組み込んで軍を再編し……
Dimitri: To start, we must absorb the Kingdom knights taken by the Dukedom into our own forces and reshuffle our troops.
The lords will need help purge our territory of Imperial forces, and I will use my authority as king to gather forces from various regions...
And we'll have to ask the merchants to lend us the fund we require... Oh, and we must request delivery of supplies at once...
Choice 1: 仕事が山積みだ…… That sounds like a lot of work.
ディミトリ: は、はは……考えただけで頭が痛くなってくるな……
Dimitri: Heh... Just thinking about it makes my head spin.
Choice 2: 頑張ろう Good luck with that.
ディミトリ: 俺だけでどうにかできる仕事じゃないぞ。……少しくらい手伝ってくれ、先生。
Dimitri: I cannot handle all of this work myself, you know. I will be counting on you, Professor.
ディミトリ: ……だが、帝国と戦うには不可欠な仕事だ。弱音を吐いてはいられない。
Dimitri: There is much to do, but it is all critical work if we hope to stand a chance against the Empire.
Choice 1: 帝国とは共存できない? Is there no way to coexist with the Empire?
ディミトリ: ……少なくとも彼女の目には、俺たちと共存する道など見えていないと思う。
Dimitri: Knowing Edelgard, I doubt there is a path that leads to our coexistence.
Choice 2: いよいよエーデルガルトと…… You will soon face Edelgard...
ディミトリ: ……ああ、そうだな。
Dimitri: Yes... I am well aware.
ディミトリ: なあ、先生。いつか話したよな。人には、どうしても受け入れられないものがあると。
Dimitri: I believe we have spoken of this before... Everyone has something they simply cannot accept.
As for Edelgard, I am certain she will never be able to accept the Church of Seiros.
I believe that is why she seeks to destroy it. She is looking to revolutionize the world. In her mind, for the better.
ディミトリ: だが……たとえあいつが新しい秩序を布いたとしても、それは……
Dimitri: But even if she manages to birth a new world... it would be at the cost of...
I wish to end this war through acceptance, not annihilation.
Just as my people accepted me, I wish dearly to accept her. But I fear-
王国兵: 殿下、ここにおられましたか!
Kingdom Soldier: Your Highness! I finally found you!
ディミトリ: ああ、すまない。捜させたな。……どうした?
Dimitri: Ah, I am sorry for slipping away. Has something happened?
王国兵: 今しがた、レスターの盟主から急使が。急ぎ王城にお戻りください。
Kingdom Soldier: An express messenger just arrived from the leader of the Alliance. Please return to the castle at once.
ディミトリ: 同盟からの急使?クロードの奴、いったい何の用だ……?
Dimitri: An express messengers? What in the world could Claude be after?
I am on my way. Professor, please join me.